
NZ-specific information on acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL). NZ-specific information on acute myeloid leukaemia (AML).

Leukaemia Research Areas Involving NZ Researchers:

Leukaemia and Behavioural Research

Associate Professor Andrea ‘t Mannetje,

Leukaemia Biology

Professor Stefan Bohlander, Professor Peter Browett, Professor Mike Berridge, Dr Melanie McConnell, Professor Ian Hermans, Dr Sean MacPherson, Dr Andrew Das, Dr Ruth Spearing, Associate Professor Julia Horsfield, Dr Noelyn Hung, 

Molecular drivers: Dr Peter Mace, 

Leukaemia Screening and Diagnosis

Professor Stefan Bohlander, Dr Purvi Kakadiya,

Leukaemia Treatment, Including Clinical Trials

Professor Stefan Bohlander, Professor Peter Browett, Professor Ian Hermans, 

Leukaemia End-of-Life Care Research

Dr Kate Grundy, 

Leukaemia Health Services and Outcomes Research

Leukaemia Patient Participation Research

Leukaemia Survival Research

New Zealand-Specific Information on Leukaemia:

Standards of Service Provision for Leukaemia Patients in New ZealandProvisional

This provisional Leukaemia tumour standard describes the level of service that a person with bowel cancer in New Zealand should have access to. All of the recently developed provisional tumour standards include a number of standard statements that are generic across most cancers; they apply to all people with cancer and to all cancer types.

Recent International Leukaemia Research
