The New Zealand Melanoma Cell Line Resource

New Zealand Melanoma (NZM) cell lines (n=102) were derived from metastatic tumors and developed over a period of more than two decades from 1990 to 2010 by Professor Bruce Baguley and colleagues at the Auckland Cancer Society Research Centre, New Zealand.

Data derived from the cell lines have been used to generate a number of publications. Professor Peter Shepherd and the Maurice Wilkins Centre have played an important role in supporting research and characterizing the NZM melanoma cell line panel.

Raw, pre-processed and processed data from the NZM cell lines are available, including;

i) Mutation data, including published mutation data for 40 NZM cell lines, and pre-publication mutation and drug sensitivity data for many of the cell lines

ii) Protein characterization data, including pre-publication western blot protein expression level data for many of the cell lines

iii) Exome sequence data for 55 NZM cell lines

iv) RNA-Seq data, including published RNA-Seq data for 30 NZM cell lines, and pre-publication RNA-Seq data for >70 NZM cell lines

v) Link to the Resource Pages for the NZM Cell Lines Bioportal for RNA-Seq and exome sequencing data

vi) RRBS methylome data for >10 NZM cell lines

vii) microRNA microarray expression data for a number of NZM cell lines

viii) mRNA microarray expression data for a number of NZM cell lines

Due to the need for privacy of confidential information and/or prepublication embargo considerations, some of these data require user authorization to access. If you need access to these data, please contact admin@cancerhub.