Practical Self-Care Tips to Aid Your Battle With Cancer:
The effectiveness of any cancer treatment depends on your body’s ability to heal. However, cancer impacts more than your body. Your mind and spirit are significantly affected by the disease, not to mention the treatments you are using. It’s essential to foster your overall health and well-being any way you can during your treatment. Below, CancerHub shares some simple self-care strategies that can help you heal and increase your all-around positivity.
Improve Your Sleeping Environment
Getting adequate rest can feel impossible when you have cancer. But you must get sleep because your body will not be able to heal without it.
One way to help mitigate the pain and discomfort and achieve better sleep is to make healthy changes to your sleep environment. For example, keep your bedroom clutter-free, and use the most comfortable bedding and pillows you can find. Also, diffusing essential oils, putting up blackout shades, and installing soft dimmable light bulbs can go a long way in fostering relaxation and restful sleep.
Find Ways to Handle Stress
The stress can get real when you live with cancer, and you must find ways to keep it at bay. Not only can stress impact your physical and mental health, but it can also exacerbate your pain and discomfort. Remember to change your air filters regularly, and consider investing in an air purifier to minimize the air pollutants circulating throughout your home; improving your home’s air quality can help reduce stress levels.
Also, find relaxing activities that you can fit into your daily routine. Many people with cancer find that meditation and writing in a journal help to calm their mind, body, and soul. And if there are any particular music genres or artists that help you relax, make time each day to sit and listen. You can improve your experience by getting a pair of noise-canceling headphones to boost the sound quality and minimize distractions.
Lean On Others
Support from other people is crucial when you have cancer, and the problem is you may be too tired or upset at times to be around others. Nonetheless, you need to figure out how you can involve family and friends in your daily life.
Try to remain open to conversations that allow you to maintain meaningful connections with your loved ones. And let them help you when you need them to. You might be surprised by how much simple interactions throughout the week can raise your spirits.
Create a Suitable Fitness Routine
Exercise might not be on the top of your to-do list. But suitable types of movements can go a long way in producing endorphins, relieving pain, and reducing fatigue. Try incorporating brief walks, light yoga, gentle stretches, and other low-intensity exercises into your routine. And when possible, try to work out outdoors to get the added benefit of sunlight and nature.
Don’t Ignore Your Mental Health
Many cancer patients battle mental health conditions like depression, anxiety, and anger. Whether it’s the disease itself, the treatments you are using, or a combination of both, don’t feel like you are experiencing abnormal reactions to your situation.
Along with making practical strides to reduce stress, know when it is time to ask for help. Your doctor should be able to connect you with support groups and counselors in your area to help you address the mental health effects of your journey.
Cancer and treatment can significantly affect your body, mind, and spirit. Anything you can do to promote your health and well-being during your battle is well worth the time and effort. Consider the tips above as you figure out how to foster your self-care strategies, and you will likely see and feel much more positivity in your daily life.
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